Introducing AviClear
AviClear is a pioneering treatment for acne patients and is the only FDA cleared laser technology offering a long term solution for all forms of acne severity. It works specifically by targeting the oil-producing glands in the skin and helps to suppress the production of sebum. It is safe for all skin types and tones and can be done on adults as well as teenagers. Generally, three treatments are performed, spaced 3-4 weeks apart.
This ground breaking laser technology expands treatment options available to acne patients, particularly those who cannot or prefer not to take oral medications such as Roaccutane. AviClear is effective in treating severe or cystic acne with the added benefit of potentially eliminating the need for blood tests or the side effects often associated with traditional medication like Roaccutane. While results may vary between patients, 90% of patients who use AviClear see dramatic improvement. 87% of patients report seeing half of their acne disappear and continue to improve for up to 12 months after the last session.
• Long-term improvements in acne without and creams or oral medications
• Improve complexion clarity and improve skin texture
• Can treat all types of acne
• AviClear has proven to be top choice for many patients looking to avoid further scarring from current acne conditions